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The Portal Project is a long-term ecological study that has been monitoring small mammal community responses to climate and experimental manipulation of dominant rodent species since 1977 in southeastern Arizona. Ecological Level: Community Biome: Desert Location: Southeastern Arizona (Lat/Long) Spatial Scale of data: Each plot is .25 ha. There are...MORE
This is a complilation of data sets that focus on dietary assessent and stable isotopes of marine life in the oceans surrounding Antarctica. Dataset Location : Ecological Archives Site Location : Approximately south of 40 o S Methods : Data gathered on diet and other trophic information were compliled from...MORE
This dataset contains the current distribution and host range of the vertebrate disease Chytridiomycosis in Australia determined from sampling sick and dead frogs from field surveys and appaently healthy frogs from museum collections for the fungal pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis during the collection period of 1956-2007. Dataset Location : Ecological Archives...MORE
This data set describes differences in macroalgal stands and mussel beds between ice scour disturbances in sheltered intertidal shores between 1997-2007. Dataset Location: Ecological Archives Site Location: Swan's Island, Maine (44 o 10' N, 68 o 25' W) Sites Georeferenced: No Timespan: 1997-2007 Sampling Frequency: Annually Methods: Barnacle recruitment was...MORE
This dataset describes the biodiversity of fauna (including Arthropoda, Annelida, Mollusca, and Bryozoa) inhabiting kelp holdfasts in northeastern New Zealand at several spatial scales: from meters up to hundreds of kilometers. Dataset Location: Available from author upon request Site Location(s): Berghan Point (34°55.78′ S, 173°32.72′ E), Home Point (35°19.38′ S,...MORE
This dataset describes long-term (1977-2002) experimental manipulations of ant, plant and rodent species in a desert ecosystem, among other alterations to the system. Data Location: Ecological Archives Site Location: Chihuahuan Desert, near Portal, Arizona (31 o 56' 20.29" N, 109 o 4' 47.44" W) Sites Georeferenced: Yes (not part of...MORE
This dataset provides records of density and cover meaurements of an intertital community. Two datasets have been published spanning 1996-2007. Dataset Location: Ecological Archives (1996-2002); Ecological Archives Update (2003-2007) Site Location: Swan Island, Gulf of Maine (44 o 10' N, 68 o 25 W) Sites Georefferenced: Yes Timespan: 1996-2007 Sampling...MORE
This dataset is a compilation of predator prey sizes from 27 locations ranging from the tropics to the poles. Dataset Location: Ecological Archives Site Location: Global distribution of marine habitats Sites Georefferenced: Yes Data Collected: species, life history stages, size (length and mass), feeding interaction, geographic location, environmental data Issues:...MORE
This dataset compiles the herbaceous plant response to 35 N fertilization experiments. Dataset Location: Ecologial Archives Site Location: Brooks Range, Alaska; Carpinteria Salt Marsh, California; Cedar Creek Natural History Area, Minnesota; Georgia Coastal Ecosystems LTER ; Jasper Ridge Biological Reserve, California; Kellogg Biological Staton LTER, Michigan ; Konza Prairie Biological...MORE
This dataset describes variation in net primary production and growth of giant kelp in the Santa Barbara Channel, California. Dataset Location: Ecological Archives Site Location: Arroyo Quemado (34 o 28.127' N, 120 o 07.285' W), Arroyo Burro (34 o 24.007' N, 119 o 44.663' W), and Mohawk (34 o 23.660'...MORE
