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Displaying 1 - 9 of 9
This dataset summarized the effect of experimentally reducing species richess has on abundance or biomass of the focal group, abundance or biomass of the focal group's primary resource, and/or the depletion of resources by that trophic group. Dataset Location: Ecological Archives Methods: Experimental studies were chosen for their focus and...MORE
This dataset describes long-term (1977-2002) experimental manipulations of ant, plant and rodent species in a desert ecosystem, among other alterations to the system. Data Location: Ecological Archives Site Location: Chihuahuan Desert, near Portal, Arizona (31 o 56' 20.29" N, 109 o 4' 47.44" W) Sites Georeferenced: Yes (not part of...MORE
This dataset compiles the herbaceous plant response to 35 N fertilization experiments. Dataset Location: Ecologial Archives Site Location: Brooks Range, Alaska; Carpinteria Salt Marsh, California; Cedar Creek Natural History Area, Minnesota; Georgia Coastal Ecosystems LTER ; Jasper Ridge Biological Reserve, California; Kellogg Biological Staton LTER, Michigan ; Konza Prairie Biological...MORE
This web site hosts data collected at the North Temperate Lakes LTER in Wisconsin since at least 1981 organized by the Center for Limnology at the University of Wisconsin. Data Location: Site Location: Lake Mendota, Lake Monona, and other lakes in the Yahara Lake District, southern Wisconsin; Trout Lake,...MORE
Data from the Virginia Coast Reserve Long-Term Ecological Research site. Data: or Research Topics: Holocene barrier island geology; salt marsh ecology, geology, and hydrology; ecology/evolution of insular vertebrates; primary/secondary succession; life-form modeling of succession. The Virginia Coast Reserve (VCR) is an extremely dynamic, heterogeneous coastal barrier landscape comprising...MORE
"The Pollinator Conservation Digital Library is a knowledge base and online community for pollinator researchers. Through this interactive site you can browse and search databases of resources and projects, find other people and organizations, as well as find news and events about pollinator related topics. We welcome your ideas and...MORE
Includes all Neotropical stingless bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae, Meliponini) species, with trait data collected from the literature and unpublished data. Traits include worker body size, colony size, nest description, foraging strategy, aggressiveness, flight range, etc. All data entered have been matched to current species names, following the Moure catalog (
Includes published and unpublished records of Neotropical stingless bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae, Meliponini) plant usage determined through both transect studies and pollen analyses. I have matched data to current bee species names following the Moure catalog ( ), and plant classification following GBIF ( ). Dataset Location: Please contact...MORE
Via NEON's overview page: Data will be collected from 106 sites (60 terrestrial, 36 aquatic and 10 aquatic experimental) across the U.S. (including Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico) using instrument measurements and field sampling. NEON will combine site-based data with remotely sensed data and existing continental-scale data sets (e.g. satellite...MORE