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The Konza Long-term Ecological Research site (LTER) is located on a 3,847 ha tall-grass prairie reserve in Kansas. Konza LTER is divided into experimental watersheds, where each watershed is subjected to a combination of different fire and grazing intensities. Long-term monitoring of small mammal communities has been conducted on a...MORE
Quadrats (36 ungrazed; 15 grazed) in a Kansas mixed grass prairie that were censused annually from 1932 to 1972. Located in Hays, Kansas, all individual plants were mapped in these 1 m 2 quadrats located in a pasture owned by Fort Hays State University. Monthly precipitation and average temperature data...MORE
This metadataset describes the effects of biodiversity on response variables of experimental studies published between 1974-2004. Dataset Location: Ecological Archives Methods : Data was extracted from 137 published articles, containing 761 measurments, for analysis within this study to determine the effect of biodiversity loss on variables relevant to agriculture, forestry,...MORE
This dataset summarized the effect of experimentally reducing species richess has on abundance or biomass of the focal group, abundance or biomass of the focal group's primary resource, and/or the depletion of resources by that trophic group. Dataset Location: Ecological Archives Methods: Experimental studies were chosen for their focus and...MORE
This dataset compiles the herbaceous plant response to 35 N fertilization experiments. Dataset Location: Ecologial Archives Site Location: Brooks Range, Alaska; Carpinteria Salt Marsh, California; Cedar Creek Natural History Area, Minnesota; Georgia Coastal Ecosystems LTER ; Jasper Ridge Biological Reserve, California; Kellogg Biological Staton LTER, Michigan ; Konza Prairie Biological...MORE
This dataset follows endemic mint species in Florida to observe the population demography as well as response to fire. Dataset Location: Ecological Archives Site Location: Archibold Biological Station, Florida (27 o 10' 50" N, 81 o 21' 00" W) Sites Georefferenced: Yes Timespan: 1988-2004 Sampling Frequency: Monthly - Quarterly Methods:...MORE
This web site hosts data from research in metropolitan Baltimore as a part of the Long Term Ecological Research Network. Data Location: Site Location: Gwynns Falls watershed (76 o 30' N, 39 o 15' W) Baltimore, Maryland Datasets Available: THEMES - biodiversity, demographic/social, education, meteorology, modeling, patches, public health...MORE
This web site hosts data collected at the Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve in central Minnesota as a part of the Long Term Ecological Research Network. Data Location: Site Location: central Minnesota (near the Twin Cities metropolitan area) Datasets Available: plant above ground biomass, root biomass, root carbon/nitrogen, small...MORE
This web site hosts data from the Konza Prairie Long Term Ecological Research Network from a central US grassland. Dataset Location: Site Location: Flint Hills Region, northeastern Kansas (39 o 05'N, 96 o 35' W) Datasets Available: THEMES - physical environment; net primary productivity; plant populations and communities; terrestrial...MORE
This web site hosts data from the Shortgrass Steppe Long Term Ecological Research Network on the Central Plains Experimental Range and the Pawnee National Grasslands Dataset Location: Site Location: Weld County, northeastern Colorado Datasets Available: THEMES - climate; physiography; grazing, fire and land-use; shortgrass steppe ecosystem structure and function;...MORE
