Demography of Mint in Florida Scrub


This dataset follows endemic mint species in Florida to observe the population demography as well as response to fire.

Dataset Location: Ecological Archives

Site Location: Archibold Biological Station, Florida (27o 10' 50" N, 81o 21' 00" W)

Sites Georefferenced: Yes

Timespan: 1988-2004

Sampling Frequency: Monthly - Quarterly

Methods: Permanent plots were established with x-y coordinates to mark and tag each plant. Individuals were censused regularly.

Data Collected: species, life history stage, size, survival, fire recovery

Citation: Eric S. Menges. 2008. Demography of the endemic mint Dicerandra frutescens in Florida scrub. Ecology 89:1474.

Available via EcoData Retriever: No

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