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Displaying 1 - 10 of 12
This dataset compares avian body sizes with mating characteristics for 3769 species. Dataset Location: Ecological Archives Site Location: Western Palearctic, North America, Africa, Austrailia, New Zealand, Antarctica Sites Georeferenced: No Methods: Data was gathered from major ornithologial handbooks, suplemented by authors personal data. Behavioral scores are described within the metadata...MORE
This web site hosts information about the entire fossil record, including information about fossil collections, individual plants and animals, taxonomic groups, references to publications, stratigraphic units, time scales, and time intervals. Data Location: Data Available: collection, occurrence, specimen records, taxonomic names/opinion, measurements of specimens Comments: Tools are available on...MORE
This web site hosts data from pollen grains which are accumulated in lakebed sediments and provide records of past vegetation. Data Location: Datasets Available: Data is organized by collection location: Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Europe, North America, North Atlantic Ocean, South America Comments: An additional search engine is provided [...MORE
This website hosts data containing information about land mammal taxa and locality from the Eurasian Miocene to the Pleistocene. Data Location: Data Available: species; location (age, stratigraphy, lithology, taphonomy, environmental interpretation); anatomy; inferred diet; locomotion Comments: Instructions for acquiring the data can be found [ HERE ]. Citation: Fortelius,...MORE
This web site stores global data to track the movement of animals. Data Location: Sites Georefferenced: Yes Data Available: species, location Citation: Wikelski, M., and Kays, R. 2010. Movebank: archive, analysis and sharing of animal movement data. World Wide Web electronic publication. , Accessed on <date>.MORE
VertNet consists of four global diversity databases housed on independent web sites: Mammal Natworked Information System, Ornithological Information System, HerpNET, and FishNet 2. Data Location: VertNet Comments: This large-scale data repository organizes extensive publically available data and diversity information from primary data contributors acting to construct their datasets in a...MORE
This web site hosts millions of bird specimen records indexed by taxonomy and georgraphy. Data Location: ORNIS Data Georefferenced: Yes Comments: This data repository compiles data from 42 institutions and 5 countries and provides a search engine for searching by specimen record, taxonomic index, and geographic index [ HERE ],...MORE
This dataset has compiled life history parameters, with a focus on senesence, for a wide variety of taxa, mostly animals, but also including a few plants and fungi. Dataset Location: Data collection summary/Methods: This dataset is a compilation of life history traits from the literature, and other databases, with...MORE
This website and database hosts records of fossil pollen, charcoal, and mammal assemblages, as well as plant macrofossils, largely from North America, but also globally, throughout the Pleiocene-Quaternary (and Anthropocene). Also included are chronological controls that allow the use of the records through time from the last 5 million years...MORE
eBird is a catalog of 'checklists' for bird species observed globally by novice and experienced bird observers reporting to the eBird Citizen Science Project run by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and the National Audubon Society. 'Checklists' include presence/absence, species count, and location information for a single obervation event. Four...MORE