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Displaying 11 - 20 of 64
The Christmas Bird Count (CBC) is a long-standing program of the National Audubon Society, with over 100 years of citizen science involvement. It is an early-winter bird census, where thousands of volunteers across the US, Canada and many countries in the Western Hemisphere, go out over a 24 hour period...MORE
Bird Abundances at Hubbard Brook (1969-2010) and on three replicate plots (1986-2000) in the White Mountain National Forest. Dataset Location: Site Location: Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, White Mountain National Forest, West Thornton, New Hampshire, USA Spatial Scale of data: a total of four 10-hectare plots Timespan: 1969-2010 Sampling Frequency:...MORE
A global species-level data set of key life-history, ecological and geographical traits of all known extant and recently extinct mammals compiled from the literature. It also includes spatial databases of mammalian geographic ranges and global climatic and anthropogenic variables. Ecological Level: Species Biome: All Location: Global Observational/Experimental: Observational Dataset Location:...MORE
This dataset depicts food webs from three North American Pacific Coast Estuaries and includes details regarding parastic characters, body-size, biomass, and ontogeny. Dataset Location: Ecological Archives Site Location: Carpinteria Salt Marsh, CA ; Estero de Punta Banda, Baja California ; Bahia Falsa in Bahia San Quintin, Baja California (Lat/Lon) Sampling...MORE
242 vertebrate species are described within this datset including information on life history traits, species distribution maps and phylogenetics. Dataset Location: Ecological Archives Site Location: Australian Wet Tropics, northeastern Queensland (between -16.5 - 19.5 o N) Sites Georefferenced: Output includes GPS layers Methods: Life history attributed were acquired from individual...MORE
This metadataset describes the effects of biodiversity on response variables of experimental studies published between 1974-2004. Dataset Location: Ecological Archives Methods : Data was extracted from 137 published articles, containing 761 measurments, for analysis within this study to determine the effect of biodiversity loss on variables relevant to agriculture, forestry,...MORE
This dataset describes long-term (1977-2002) experimental manipulations of ant, plant and rodent species in a desert ecosystem, among other alterations to the system. Data Location: Ecological Archives Site Location: Chihuahuan Desert, near Portal, Arizona (31 o 56' 20.29" N, 109 o 4' 47.44" W) Sites Georeferenced: Yes (not part of...MORE
This dataset compares avian body sizes with mating characteristics for 3769 species. Dataset Location: Ecological Archives Site Location: Western Palearctic, North America, Africa, Austrailia, New Zealand, Antarctica Sites Georeferenced: No Methods: Data was gathered from major ornithologial handbooks, suplemented by authors personal data. Behavioral scores are described within the metadata...MORE
This dataset follows coyotes, lagomorphs, and rodents from 1962-1993 in Idaho and Utah. Dataset Location: Ecological Archives Site Location: Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory, Idaho; Curlew Valley, Utah Sites Georefferenced: No Timespan: 1962-1993 Sampling Frequency: biannually (spring & fall) Methods: Rodents were trapped with a 1 M-4 snap trap...MORE
This dataset compiles general life history characteristics for various taxa and body size groups of placental non-volant mammals. Dataset Location: Ecological Archives Methods: Data was collected from the literature. Values for life history characteristics are averages of numerous individuals/studies to acount for variability of traits due to climate or evironmental...MORE