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Displaying 21 - 30 of 31
This web site hosts data from the Luquillo Long Term Ecological Research Network from both tropical forest and metropolis ecosystems of Puerto Rico. Dataset Location: Site Location: Luquillo Mountains (San Juan) of Puerto Rico Datasets Available: THEMES - meteorology; hydrology; disturbance; nutrient and carbon dynamics; vegetation dynamics; animal population...MORE
This web site hosts data from the Shortgrass Steppe Long Term Ecological Research Network on the Central Plains Experimental Range and the Pawnee National Grasslands Dataset Location: Site Location: Weld County, northeastern Colorado Datasets Available: THEMES - climate; physiography; grazing, fire and land-use; shortgrass steppe ecosystem structure and function;...MORE
This dataset has compiled life history parameters, with a focus on senesence, for a wide variety of taxa, mostly animals, but also including a few plants and fungi. Dataset Location: Data collection summary/Methods: This dataset is a compilation of life history traits from the literature, and other databases, with...MORE
"The Pollinator Conservation Digital Library is a knowledge base and online community for pollinator researchers. Through this interactive site you can browse and search databases of resources and projects, find other people and organizations, as well as find news and events about pollinator related topics. We welcome your ideas and...MORE
This is a paper published in PNAS about patterns of decilne in North American bumble bees that is quite broad in scope (netted and identified 9,006 bumble bees in the west and 7,832 in the east at 382 sites across North America between 2007 and 2009 and constructed a database...MORE
Includes all Neotropical stingless bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae, Meliponini) species, with trait data collected from the literature and unpublished data. Traits include worker body size, colony size, nest description, foraging strategy, aggressiveness, flight range, etc. All data entered have been matched to current species names, following the Moure catalog (
Includes published and unpublished records of Neotropical stingless bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae, Meliponini) plant usage determined through both transect studies and pollen analyses. I have matched data to current bee species names following the Moure catalog ( ), and plant classification following GBIF ( ). Dataset Location: Please contact...MORE
The MNCR was initiated to provide a comprehensive baseline of information on marine habitats and their associated species around the coast of Britain focusing on benthic habitats in intertidal and inshore (typically within 3nm) subtidal areas. This dataset includes the survey data that were collected during the Marine Nature Conservation...MORE
Fish and macroinvertebrate abundance and size data collected for reefs and seagrass habitats surounding St. John in the United States Virgin Islands (USVI) by the Center for Coastal Monitoring and Assessments Biogeography Team are available at OBIS . The OBIS compiled data includes species name, individual count, lat/lon, and some...MORE
Fish and invertebrate abundance and size data collected by shrimp net for in and near shore areas of the New Hampshire and Maine coast. Data are available at OBIS . The OBIS compiled data includes species name, individual count, lat/lon, and some environmental correlates like depth and salinity. Dataset Location:...MORE