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This dataset contains maps of land cover patterns across the conterminous United States. Dataset Location: Ecological Archives Site Location: Lower 48, United Stated Sites Georeffereneced: Yes Timespan: 1991-1993 Methods: Images were collected from Landsat Thematic Mapper at a 30 m resolution and classified to land cover type and spatial filters...MORE
This dataset catalogs field estimates of net primary productivity for natural and agricultural ecosystems worldwide from approximately 1870-1980. Dataset Location: Ecological Archives Sites Georefferenced: Yes Timespan: 1869-1982 Methods: Field measurements off above-ground NPP were collected from the literature and complied in a standardized fashion. Methodology of field techniques are not...MORE
This web site hosts data collected at the North Temperate Lakes LTER in Wisconsin since at least 1981 organized by the Center for Limnology at the University of Wisconsin. Data Location: Site Location: Lake Mendota, Lake Monona, and other lakes in the Yahara Lake District, southern Wisconsin; Trout Lake,...MORE
This web site hosts data collected in the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem, including biologial, chemical, and phyisical data about nearshore ocean ecosystems. Data Location: Site Location: California Current Large Marine Ecosystem, west coast North America Participating Universites: Oregon State University; Stanford University Hopkins Marine Station; University of California,...MORE
This web site hosts information about the entire fossil record, including information about fossil collections, individual plants and animals, taxonomic groups, references to publications, stratigraphic units, time scales, and time intervals. Data Location: Data Available: collection, occurrence, specimen records, taxonomic names/opinion, measurements of specimens Comments: Tools are available on...MORE
This data set was collected by the Center for Tropical Forest Science at the Smithsonian research facilities in the Panama Canal Watershed, including forest census, carbon storage, wood density, soil, plant functional traits, and arthpod monitoring. Dataset Location: Site Location: Barro Colorado Island, Panama(9.154 O N, 79.846 O W);...MORE
This web site hosts information regarding the color signature (color and reflectance) of flowers. Data Location: Data Available: species, location, reflectance (wavelengths 300-700nm) Comments: A search is available by term [ HERE ] or by color in hexagon units [ HERE ]. Citation: Arnold SEJ, Faruq S, Savolainen V,...MORE
This web site stores global data to track the movement of animals. Data Location: Sites Georefferenced: Yes Data Available: species, location Citation: Wikelski, M., and Kays, R. 2010. Movebank: archive, analysis and sharing of animal movement data. World Wide Web electronic publication. , Accessed on <date>.MORE
This data set describes vascular plant and bryophyte species as well as biogeochemical data for acid grasslands of the Atlantic region of Europe. Dataset Location: Ecological Archives Site Location: Atlantic biogeographic region, Europe Sites Georefferenced: Yes Timespan: 2002-2007 Methods: Sites were randomly determined to ensure a range of nitrogen deposition...MORE
VertNet consists of four global diversity databases housed on independent web sites: Mammal Natworked Information System, Ornithological Information System, HerpNET, and FishNet 2. Data Location: VertNet Comments: This large-scale data repository organizes extensive publically available data and diversity information from primary data contributors acting to construct their datasets in a...MORE
