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Displaying 1 - 10 of 42
This dataset contains the current distribution and host range of the vertebrate disease Chytridiomycosis in Australia determined from sampling sick and dead frogs from field surveys and appaently healthy frogs from museum collections for the fungal pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis during the collection period of 1956-2007. Dataset Location : Ecological Archives...MORE
This dataset describes variation in net primary production and growth of giant kelp in the Santa Barbara Channel, California. Dataset Location: Ecological Archives Site Location: Arroyo Quemado (34 o 28.127' N, 120 o 07.285' W), Arroyo Burro (34 o 24.007' N, 119 o 44.663' W), and Mohawk (34 o 23.660'...MORE
This web site hosts information about the entire fossil record, including information about fossil collections, individual plants and animals, taxonomic groups, references to publications, stratigraphic units, time scales, and time intervals. Data Location: Data Available: collection, occurrence, specimen records, taxonomic names/opinion, measurements of specimens Comments: Tools are available on...MORE
"The Pollinator Conservation Digital Library is a knowledge base and online community for pollinator researchers. Through this interactive site you can browse and search databases of resources and projects, find other people and organizations, as well as find news and events about pollinator related topics. We welcome your ideas and...MORE
This is a paper published in PNAS about patterns of decilne in North American bumble bees that is quite broad in scope (netted and identified 9,006 bumble bees in the west and 7,832 in the east at 382 sites across North America between 2007 and 2009 and constructed a database...MORE
This website and database hosts records of fossil pollen, charcoal, and mammal assemblages, as well as plant macrofossils, largely from North America, but also globally, throughout the Pleiocene-Quaternary (and Anthropocene). Also included are chronological controls that allow the use of the records through time from the last 5 million years...MORE
A species list of marine organisms, with current taxonomic information, including any synonomies that might exist. Can search by geographic region. Dataset available here: Available with CC-BY license, cite individual pages as listed on those pages. Suggested citation for entire database: Boxshall, G.; Mees, J.; Costello, M. J.; Hernandez,...MORE
Data description: (See also Sweatman et al. 2008 Long-term Monitoring of the Great Barrier Reef status report No. 8) Dataset link: Direct download: OBIS Web Service Initial issues Scale. Data downloaded from IOBIS has unique lat-longs which are presumably reef-level data. In theory, there are 5 transects within...MORE
This report documents an... "LCTA database update that provides selected ecological attributes (particularly for the nesting season) for 676 bird species occurring within the continental United States. This database upgrade provides land managers the capability to: (1) generate ecological guild-based summaries with no additional fieldwork, (2) identify specific groups of...MORE
The Ocean Biogeographical Information System is a catalog of global marine species inventory. The data is reported through interactive mapping software from which you can extract summary and point data. Dataset Location: OBIS ; OBIS-Spatial Ecological Analysis of Megavertebrate Populations Site Location: Global Site(s) Georeferenced: Yes Timespan: 1800s - Present;...MORE