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This dataset summarized the effect of experimentally reducing species richess has on abundance or biomass of the focal group, abundance or biomass of the focal group's primary resource, and/or the depletion of resources by that trophic group. Dataset Location: Ecological Archives Methods: Experimental studies were chosen for their focus and...MORE
This dataset compares avian body sizes with mating characteristics for 3769 species. Dataset Location: Ecological Archives Site Location: Western Palearctic, North America, Africa, Austrailia, New Zealand, Antarctica Sites Georeferenced: No Methods: Data was gathered from major ornithologial handbooks, suplemented by authors personal data. Behavioral scores are described within the metadata...MORE
This dataset contains over 16,000 records or a consumer body size and its resources. Dataset Location: Ecological Data Site Location: United Kingdom, United States, Antarctica Sites Georefferenced: Yes (not all entries) Data Collected: body size, taxonomy, location, habitat, feeding interaction, metabolism Best practices: Error code -999. Additional considerations: These data...MORE
This dataset compiles general life history characteristics for various taxa and body size groups of placental non-volant mammals. Dataset Location: Ecological Archives Methods: Data was collected from the literature. Values for life history characteristics are averages of numerous individuals/studies to acount for variability of traits due to climate or evironmental...MORE
This dataset compiles body mass of all known mammals across geographic and taxonomic space and evolutionary time. Dataset Location: Ecological Archives Methods: Data was collected from more than 150 pre-established sources. Data Collected: species, averaged body mass Orders: Artiodactyla (280 records), Bibymalagasia (2 records), Carnivora (393 records), Cetacea (75 records),...MORE
This web site hosts information regarding the color signature (color and reflectance) of flowers. Data Location: Data Available: species, location, reflectance (wavelengths 300-700nm) Comments: A search is available by term [ HERE ] or by color in hexagon units [ HERE ]. Citation: Arnold SEJ, Faruq S, Savolainen V,...MORE
This data set decribes wood density for trees throughout the globe, including >16000 entries of >8000 taxa from 205 references. Dataset Location: Dryad Sites Georefferenced: No Data Collected: species, wood density, region Citation: Zanne AE, Lopez-Gonzalez G, Coomes DA, Ilic J, Jansen S, Lewis SL, Miller RB, Swenson NG, Wiemann...MORE
This data set compiles information regarding the biomass of leaf, stem, and root biomass for plants. Dataset Location: Sites Georeferenced: No Methods: Data was compiled from the primary literature, along with a significant portion of data from Cannell (1982). Data Collected: species; age; height; leaf, root, shoot, stem &...MORE
This data describes plant traits from throughout the globe and includes 1,000 traits for more than 64,000 plant species. Database Location: Sites Georeferenced: Yes (for many of the entries) Methods: Data is collected from previous studies and as a continued effort from the organizers. Data Collected: species, location, traits...MORE
This web site stores global data to track the movement of animals. Data Location: Sites Georefferenced: Yes Data Available: species, location Citation: Wikelski, M., and Kays, R. 2010. Movebank: archive, analysis and sharing of animal movement data. World Wide Web electronic publication. , Accessed on <date>.MORE
