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Displaying 1 - 10 of 33
This dataset contains the current distribution and host range of the vertebrate disease Chytridiomycosis in Australia determined from sampling sick and dead frogs from field surveys and appaently healthy frogs from museum collections for the fungal pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis during the collection period of 1956-2007. Dataset Location : Ecological Archives...MORE
242 vertebrate species are described within this datset including information on life history traits, species distribution maps and phylogenetics. Dataset Location: Ecological Archives Site Location: Australian Wet Tropics, northeastern Queensland (between -16.5 - 19.5 o N) Sites Georefferenced: Output includes GPS layers Methods: Life history attributed were acquired from individual...MORE
This dataset follows painted turtles ( Chrysemys picta ) and records the nesting behavior and depredation. Dataset Location: Ecological Archives Site Location: Island in the Mississippi River; South Potter's Marsh, Thomson Causeway, Thomson, Illinois (41o 57' N, 90o 07' W) Sites Georefferenced: No Timespan: 1989 - 2006 Sampling Frequency: Hourly...MORE
This web site hosts information about the entire fossil record, including information about fossil collections, individual plants and animals, taxonomic groups, references to publications, stratigraphic units, time scales, and time intervals. Data Location: Data Available: collection, occurrence, specimen records, taxonomic names/opinion, measurements of specimens Comments: Tools are available on...MORE
This web site stores global data to track the movement of animals. Data Location: Sites Georefferenced: Yes Data Available: species, location Citation: Wikelski, M., and Kays, R. 2010. Movebank: archive, analysis and sharing of animal movement data. World Wide Web electronic publication. , Accessed on <date>.MORE
This web site hosts data collected at the Sevilleta Long Term Ecological Reasearch Station in New Mexico. Data Location: Site Location: Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge (34.353 o N, 106.882 o W), about 80km south of Albuquerque, NM. Datasets Available: THEMES - disturbance, inorganic nutrients, meteorology, populations, organic matter, primary...MORE
This web site hosts data collected for the Central Arizona-Phoenix Long Term Ecological Research Station in the arid mentropolis of Phoenix. Data Location: Site Location: downtown Pheonix and the surrounding arid ecosystems Datasets Available: THEMES - land-use, land-cover, and land architecture; climate, ecosytems, and people; water dynamics, biogeochemical patterns,...MORE
This web site hosts data from the Jornada Basin Long Term Ecological Research Network in the northern Chihuahuan Desert. Dataset Location: Site Location: northern Chihuahuan Desert, 25 km northeast of Las Cruces, New Mexico Datasets Available: THEMES - animal (birds, rabbits, lizards, ants, arthropods,grass hoppers, small mammals, spiders, termites,...MORE
This web site hosts data from the Konza Prairie Long Term Ecological Research Network from a central US grassland. Dataset Location: Site Location: Flint Hills Region, northeastern Kansas (39 o 05'N, 96 o 35' W) Datasets Available: THEMES - physical environment; net primary productivity; plant populations and communities; terrestrial...MORE
This web site hosts data from the Luquillo Long Term Ecological Research Network from both tropical forest and metropolis ecosystems of Puerto Rico. Dataset Location: Site Location: Luquillo Mountains (San Juan) of Puerto Rico Datasets Available: THEMES - meteorology; hydrology; disturbance; nutrient and carbon dynamics; vegetation dynamics; animal population...MORE