Sevilleta LTER


This web site hosts data collected at the Sevilleta Long Term Ecological Reasearch Station in New Mexico.

Data Location:

Site Location: Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge (34.353oN, 106.882oW), about 80km south of Albuquerque, NM.

Datasets Available: THEMES - disturbance, inorganic nutrients, meteorology,  populations, organic matter, primary production, water; PROJECTS - small mammal mark-recapture, reptiles, rodent parasites, rodents and fire, birds, rabbits, arthropods, coyote, ants, termites, grasshoppers, native bees, prairie dog, kangaroo rats, box turtle, Ocotillo population, Creosote plants, grasses, Pinyon-Junper plants, etc.

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