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This web site hosts data from the Florida Coastal Everglades Long Term Ecoogical Research Station in Everglades National Park. Data Location: Site Location: Florida Everglades Datasets Available: WORKGROUPS - biogeochemical cycling; climate and disturbance; human dimansions; hydrology; modeling and synthesis; organic matter dynamics; primary production; trophic dynamics and community...MORE
This web site hosts data from the Luquillo Long Term Ecological Research Network from both tropical forest and metropolis ecosystems of Puerto Rico. Dataset Location: Site Location: Luquillo Mountains (San Juan) of Puerto Rico Datasets Available: THEMES - meteorology; hydrology; disturbance; nutrient and carbon dynamics; vegetation dynamics; animal population...MORE
Data from the Virginia Coast Reserve Long-Term Ecological Research site. Data: or Research Topics: Holocene barrier island geology; salt marsh ecology, geology, and hydrology; ecology/evolution of insular vertebrates; primary/secondary succession; life-form modeling of succession. The Virginia Coast Reserve (VCR) is an extremely dynamic, heterogeneous coastal barrier landscape comprising...MORE
This dataset has compiled life history parameters, with a focus on senesence, for a wide variety of taxa, mostly animals, but also including a few plants and fungi. Dataset Location: Data collection summary/Methods: This dataset is a compilation of life history traits from the literature, and other databases, with...MORE
A table listing 332 human infectious agents, their taxonomic grouping, and reservoir and vector hosts as determined by the Global Infectious Disease and Epidemiology Network Database (GIDEON). Data Location: Ecological Archives Comments: Identifies 332 infectious agents, their taxonomic grouping, reservoir and vector hosts. Does not include GIDEON national presence/absence data...MORE
The CDC MMWR (Morbidity and Mortality World Report) provides data on disease incidence for nationally notifiable human diseases. About MMWR Data for selected nationally notifiable diseases reported by the 50 states, New York City, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. territories are collated and published weekly in the Morbidity...MORE
Includes published and unpublished records of Neotropical stingless bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae, Meliponini) plant usage determined through both transect studies and pollen analyses. I have matched data to current bee species names following the Moure catalog ( ), and plant classification following GBIF ( ). Dataset Location: Please contact...MORE
Spot-mapping data for birds combined with information on the local vegetation. This includes information on the number and position of singing males and breeding pairs, as well as information on the number of nests and fledglings. Plots vary in scale from 10 hectares (in closed habitats) to 40 hectares (in...MORE
The USA National Phenology Network (USA-NPN) monitors the influence of climate on the phenology of plants, animals, and landscapes. We do this by encouraging people to observe phenological events like leaf out, flowering, migrations, and egg laying, and by providing a place for people to enter, store, and share their...MORE
This report documents an... "LCTA database update that provides selected ecological attributes (particularly for the nesting season) for 676 bird species occurring within the continental United States. This database upgrade provides land managers the capability to: (1) generate ecological guild-based summaries with no additional fieldwork, (2) identify specific groups of...MORE
