Long-term Canopy Dynamics in an Old-Growth Forest


This dataset follows the canopy dynamics of an old growth forest in northern Michigan.

Dataset Location: Ecological Archives

Site Location: Dukes Research Natural Area, Hiawatha National Forest, Michigan (46o 02' N, 87o 09' W)

Sites Georefferenced: No

Timespan: 1935 - 2004; stem mapping starts 1989

Sampling Frequency: various, about 5 years

Methods: 246 0.2 acre circular plots were established in 1935 by the U.S. Forest Service over 100 ha area of forest dominated by Tsuga canadensis or co-dominated by Fraxinus nigra and Thuja canadensis. Various sampling frequencies and minimum stem diameter have been practiced since.

Issues: Some shrub species inconsistently sampled, some early DBH measurements potentially inacurate, some inividual tree locations off 1-3o

Citaton: Kerry D. Woods. 2009. Multi-decade, spatially explicit population studies of canopy dynamics in Michigan old-growth forests. Ecology 90:3587.

Available on EcoData Retriever: Yes

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