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Displaying 1 - 7 of 7
The Redvers Waterfowl Census is an annual census breeding pairs of waterfowl at the Redvers Waterfowl Study area in Canada. Habitat: Mixed-prairie Location: Sasketchewan, Canada (Lat/Long) Spatial Scale of data: unknown,but Redvers Waterfowl Study Area is listed as 0.2 x 64.4 km (Vickery and Nudds 1984) Timespan: 1952-1977 Frequency: anually...MORE
The FIADB contains community information for sites throughout forested lands of the US and its territories. There are three stages of sampling, which affects the type of data available for any given site: Phase 1 consists of remote sensing for stratification and identification of forested land. Phase 2 [Forest Inventory...MORE
This web site hosts data gathered at the Bonanza Creek Long Term Ecological Research Station in the interior of Alaska. Data Location: Site Location: Bonanza Creek Experimental Forest, Caribou Poker Creeks Research Watershed, Fairbanks, Alaska Datasets Available: THEMES - biogeochemistry, biological diversity, climate, decomposition, disturbance, GIS, human dimensions, hydrology,...MORE
This report documents an... "LCTA database update that provides selected ecological attributes (particularly for the nesting season) for 676 bird species occurring within the continental United States. This database upgrade provides land managers the capability to: (1) generate ecological guild-based summaries with no additional fieldwork, (2) identify specific groups of...MORE
The USGS Gap Analysis Program (GAP) is delineating species range and predicted distribution maps for more than 2,000 species that occur within the continental US as well as Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands (we will make these maps and datasets available as they are completed). Our...MORE
The USGS Gap Analysis Program (GAP) PAD-US is the national inventory of U.S. terrestrial and marine protected areas that are dedicated to the preservation of biological diversity and to other natural, recreation and cultural uses, managed for these purposes through legal or other effective means. Lands in PAD-US are mainly...MORE
The USGS Gap Analysis Program (GAP) Land Cover Data Set includes detailed vegetation and land use patterns for the continental United States. The data set incorporates the Ecological System classification system developed by NatureServe to represent natural and semi-natural land cover. The 590 land use classes in the data set...MORE