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Displaying 1 - 6 of 6
The Redvers Waterfowl Census is an annual census breeding pairs of waterfowl at the Redvers Waterfowl Study area in Canada. Habitat: Mixed-prairie Location: Sasketchewan, Canada (Lat/Long) Spatial Scale of data: unknown,but Redvers Waterfowl Study Area is listed as 0.2 x 64.4 km (Vickery and Nudds 1984) Timespan: 1952-1977 Frequency: anually...MORE
This web site hosts data collected at the North Temperate Lakes LTER in Wisconsin since at least 1981 organized by the Center for Limnology at the University of Wisconsin. Data Location: Site Location: Lake Mendota, Lake Monona, and other lakes in the Yahara Lake District, southern Wisconsin; Trout Lake,...MORE
Survey information available here .MORE
Via NEON's overview page: Data will be collected from 106 sites (60 terrestrial, 36 aquatic and 10 aquatic experimental) across the U.S. (including Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico) using instrument measurements and field sampling. NEON will combine site-based data with remotely sensed data and existing continental-scale data sets (e.g. satellite...MORE
This website and database hosts records of fossil pollen, charcoal, and mammal assemblages, as well as plant macrofossils, largely from North America, but also globally, throughout the Pleiocene-Quaternary (and Anthropocene). Also included are chronological controls that allow the use of the records through time from the last 5 million years...MORE
The Coordinated Waterbird Count Project monitors South Africa's waterbird populations and the conditions of the wetlands which are important for waterbirds. The species ocurence data are available at OBIS . The OBIS compiled data includes species name, individual count, lat/lon, and some environmental correlates like depth and salinity. Dataset Location:...MORE