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Displaying 21 - 30 of 80
This web site hosts time series data sets from hundreds of independent projects aiming to understand the patterns and dynamics of bird populations across the western hemisphere. In particular, eBird connects remote-sensed data of landscape variables and human population to species ocurrence. Each data set consists of observational data, the...MORE
This web site hosts data collected at the Sevilleta Long Term Ecological Reasearch Station in New Mexico. Data Location: Site Location: Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge (34.353 o N, 106.882 o W), about 80km south of Albuquerque, NM. Datasets Available: THEMES - disturbance, inorganic nutrients, meteorology, populations, organic matter, primary...MORE
This web site hosts data collected at the Andrews Long Term Eological Research Station in the western Casade Range of Oregon. Data Location: Site Location: Andrews Forest (44.212 o N, 122.256 o W); western Cascade Range of Oregon in the drainage basin of Lookout Creek, a tributary of Blue...MORE
This web site hosts data collected at the Arctic Long Term Ecological Research Station at the Toolik Field Station in Alaska. Data Location: Site Location: Toolik Field Station (68 o 38'N, 148 o 43'W), foothills region of the Brooks Range, North Slope of Alaska Datasets Available: THEME - lakes,...MORE
This web site hosts data gathered at the Bonanza Creek Long Term Ecological Research Station in the interior of Alaska. Data Location: Site Location: Bonanza Creek Experimental Forest, Caribou Poker Creeks Research Watershed, Fairbanks, Alaska Datasets Available: THEMES - biogeochemistry, biological diversity, climate, decomposition, disturbance, GIS, human dimensions, hydrology,...MORE
This web site hosts data collected at the California Current coastal pelagic ecosysten Long Term Ecological Research Station. Data Location: Site Location: Datasets Available: THEMES - phytoplankton, chlorophyl and primary production; zooplankton abundance/biomassMORE
This web site hosts data collected at the Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve in central Minnesota as a part of the Long Term Ecological Research Network. Data Location: Site Location: central Minnesota (near the Twin Cities metropolitan area) Datasets Available: plant above ground biomass, root biomass, root carbon/nitrogen, small...MORE
This web site hosts data from the Coweeta Long Term Ecological Research Station in the southern Appalachian Mountains. Data Location: Site Location: Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory, southern Appalachian Mountains Comment: The data repository and search engine are currently being developed. For the time being, data are stored at EcoTrends and...MORE
This web site hosts data from the Florida Coastal Everglades Long Term Ecoogical Research Station in Everglades National Park. Data Location: Site Location: Florida Everglades Datasets Available: WORKGROUPS - biogeochemical cycling; climate and disturbance; human dimansions; hydrology; modeling and synthesis; organic matter dynamics; primary production; trophic dynamics and community...MORE