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Displaying 1 - 10 of 15
The Luquillo Grid Points Bird Count is a long-term observational study of the bird community at the Luquillo LTER on Puerto Rico.MORE
The Skokholm Bird Observatory is a 1 km 2 island off the coast of Wales, UK. Since 1928, annual surveys of breeding birds on the island have been conducted. Ecological Level: Community Biome: Temperate Habitat: flat top island with grass and bracken (Lack, D. 1969. Population changes in the land...MORE
The Christmas Bird Count (CBC) is a long-standing program of the National Audubon Society, with over 100 years of citizen science involvement. It is an early-winter bird census, where thousands of volunteers across the US, Canada and many countries in the Western Hemisphere, go out over a 24 hour period...MORE
242 vertebrate species are described within this datset including information on life history traits, species distribution maps and phylogenetics. Dataset Location: Ecological Archives Site Location: Australian Wet Tropics, northeastern Queensland (between -16.5 - 19.5 o N) Sites Georefferenced: Output includes GPS layers Methods: Life history attributed were acquired from individual...MORE
This web site hosts information about species and ecosystems of the Western Hemisphere, including several types of biodiversity data. Data Location: Data Available: species, location, conservation status, commonness/rareness, spatial data Comments: This web site compiles data from a number of different programs, including: NatureServe Explorer; InfoNatura; Web Services for...MORE
This web site hosts data collected at the Andrews Long Term Eological Research Station in the western Casade Range of Oregon. Data Location: Site Location: Andrews Forest (44.212 o N, 122.256 o W); western Cascade Range of Oregon in the drainage basin of Lookout Creek, a tributary of Blue...MORE
This web site hosts data from research in metropolitan Baltimore as a part of the Long Term Ecological Research Network. Data Location: Site Location: Gwynns Falls watershed (76 o 30' N, 39 o 15' W) Baltimore, Maryland Datasets Available: THEMES - biodiversity, demographic/social, education, meteorology, modeling, patches, public health...MORE
This web site hosts data collected at the California Current coastal pelagic ecosysten Long Term Ecological Research Station. Data Location: Site Location: Datasets Available: THEMES - phytoplankton, chlorophyl and primary production; zooplankton abundance/biomassMORE
This web site hosts data collected for the Central Arizona-Phoenix Long Term Ecological Research Station in the arid mentropolis of Phoenix. Data Location: Site Location: downtown Pheonix and the surrounding arid ecosystems Datasets Available: THEMES - land-use, land-cover, and land architecture; climate, ecosytems, and people; water dynamics, biogeochemical patterns,...MORE
This web site hosts data from the Florida Coastal Everglades Long Term Ecoogical Research Station in Everglades National Park. Data Location: Site Location: Florida Everglades Datasets Available: WORKGROUPS - biogeochemical cycling; climate and disturbance; human dimansions; hydrology; modeling and synthesis; organic matter dynamics; primary production; trophic dynamics and community...MORE