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Traits related to persistence and regeneration after fire are compiled for vascular plants in a Meditterranean environment. Dataset Location: Ecological Archives Site Location: Mediterranean Basin (Algeria, Cyprus, France, Greexe, Israel, Italy, Morocco, Palestine, Portugal, Spain, and Turkey) Methods: Data (quantitative, semi-quantitative, & qualitative) was collected from published articles from both...MORE
This web site hosts information about species and ecosystems of the Western Hemisphere, including several types of biodiversity data. Data Location: Data Available: species, location, conservation status, commonness/rareness, spatial data Comments: This web site compiles data from a number of different programs, including: NatureServe Explorer; InfoNatura; Web Services for...MORE
This web site hosts data from research in metropolitan Baltimore as a part of the Long Term Ecological Research Network. Data Location: Site Location: Gwynns Falls watershed (76 o 30' N, 39 o 15' W) Baltimore, Maryland Datasets Available: THEMES - biodiversity, demographic/social, education, meteorology, modeling, patches, public health...MORE
This web site hosts data collected at the Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve in central Minnesota as a part of the Long Term Ecological Research Network. Data Location: Site Location: central Minnesota (near the Twin Cities metropolitan area) Datasets Available: plant above ground biomass, root biomass, root carbon/nitrogen, small...MORE
This web site hosts data from the Konza Prairie Long Term Ecological Research Network from a central US grassland. Dataset Location: Site Location: Flint Hills Region, northeastern Kansas (39 o 05'N, 96 o 35' W) Datasets Available: THEMES - physical environment; net primary productivity; plant populations and communities; terrestrial...MORE
This web site hosts data from the Shortgrass Steppe Long Term Ecological Research Network on the Central Plains Experimental Range and the Pawnee National Grasslands Dataset Location: Site Location: Weld County, northeastern Colorado Datasets Available: THEMES - climate; physiography; grazing, fire and land-use; shortgrass steppe ecosystem structure and function;...MORE
This web site hosts data on over 600 species of bacteria found in the human oral cavity including: taxonomy and genomic information. Data Location: HOMD Comments: One of the purposes of HOMD is to provide descriptions of each of the species together with tools used in the analysis of their...MORE