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This data set was collected by the Center for Tropical Forest Science at the Smithsonian research facilities in the Panama Canal Watershed, including forest census, carbon storage, wood density, soil, plant functional traits, and arthpod monitoring. Dataset Location: Site Location: Barro Colorado Island, Panama(9.154 O N, 79.846 O W);...MORE
This web site stores global data to track the movement of animals. Data Location: Sites Georefferenced: Yes Data Available: species, location Citation: Wikelski, M., and Kays, R. 2010. Movebank: archive, analysis and sharing of animal movement data. World Wide Web electronic publication. , Accessed on <date>.MORE
This data set describes nematode communities within the tropical rainforest of Costa Rica. Dataset Location: Dryad Site Location: La Selva Biological Research Station, Costa Rica (10 o 26' N, 83 o 59' W) Sites Georefferenced: No Methods: Species were identified using molecular operational taxonomic units measured by an 18S ribosomal...MORE
This web site hosts an on-line repository for remote sensing and aerial photograpy initiated by the U.S. Department of the Interior and the U.S. Geological Survey. Data Location: Data Available: Aerial Photography, Satellite Imagery, Elevation maps, Land Cover, Digitized Maps Comments: EROS hosts all data retrieved from remote sensing...MORE
This web site hosts data collected at the Andrews Long Term Eological Research Station in the western Casade Range of Oregon. Data Location: Site Location: Andrews Forest (44.212 o N, 122.256 o W); western Cascade Range of Oregon in the drainage basin of Lookout Creek, a tributary of Blue...MORE
This web site hosts data from research in metropolitan Baltimore as a part of the Long Term Ecological Research Network. Data Location: Site Location: Gwynns Falls watershed (76 o 30' N, 39 o 15' W) Baltimore, Maryland Datasets Available: THEMES - biodiversity, demographic/social, education, meteorology, modeling, patches, public health...MORE
This web site hosts data gathered at the Bonanza Creek Long Term Ecological Research Station in the interior of Alaska. Data Location: Site Location: Bonanza Creek Experimental Forest, Caribou Poker Creeks Research Watershed, Fairbanks, Alaska Datasets Available: THEMES - biogeochemistry, biological diversity, climate, decomposition, disturbance, GIS, human dimensions, hydrology,...MORE
This web site hosts data collected at the California Current coastal pelagic ecosysten Long Term Ecological Research Station. Data Location: Site Location: Datasets Available: THEMES - phytoplankton, chlorophyl and primary production; zooplankton abundance/biomassMORE
This web site hosts data collected at the Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve in central Minnesota as a part of the Long Term Ecological Research Network. Data Location: Site Location: central Minnesota (near the Twin Cities metropolitan area) Datasets Available: plant above ground biomass, root biomass, root carbon/nitrogen, small...MORE
This web site hosts data from the Georgia Coastal Ecosystems Long Term Ecological Research station on the Altamhaha, Doboy, and Sapelo Sounds. Dataset Location: Site Location: Altamhaha, Doboy, and Sapelo Sounds; coast of Georgia, U.S.A. Datasets Available: THEMES - algal productivity; aquatic invertebrate ecology; bacterial productivity; general nutrient chemistry;...MORE
