Ecological Data Software Planning
Drupal Modules
- WYSIWYG (D6 installed) - currently using the jWYSIWYG editor because it's the simplest. can easily swap in a variety of other editors
Wikitools - provides some settings to get a more wiki-like behavior
Diff (D6 installed) - adds a tab for sufficiently permissioned users. The tab shows all revisions like standard Drupal but it also allows pretty viewing of all added/changed/deleted words between revisions.
Talk (D6 installed) - removes comments from the node page and puts them on a separate tab. This style of commenting is very popular on Wiki sites (usually called the "discussion" page) and on news websites where the goal is to separate user generated content from editorial content
Table of Contents - for automatically generating TOCs at the top of each page
Views (D6 installed)- for creating dynamic lists of databases with particular features and users
Google Analytics (D6 installed) - for tracking usage
Path Auto (D6 installed) - automatic generation of path from page content (e.g., title)
Content Lock (D6 installed) - locks pages while they are being edited. forgotten locks can be released after specified time. can also lock permanently.
Notifications (or something equivalent) - advanced management of notifying users of updates
Feedback - to solicit feedback during testing and perhaps once the site is live as well
Domain Access (D6 installed) - to manage content among wiki, forums, main site, etc.
Domain Strict (D6 installed) - to keep areas that are under development private
Consider swapping in Domain Toggle to simplify private vs. public domains
Domain Blocks (D6 installed) - for separate side blocks in different areas of the site
Domain Views (D6 installed) - to provide filtered lists of content in both forums and wiki with specific vocabulary tags
Domain Settings (D6 installed)- customization for subdomains
FileField (D6 installed)
Transliteration (D6 installed)
Mime Detect (D6 installed)
Autosave - provides backups against browser crash while editing
Add once WYSIWYG is updated to 3.x to avoid issues with maintaining patches and running a dev release
- Flags - to allow users to bookmark favorite pages (D6 installed)
- Flag Terms - allows users to flag taxonomy terms and therefore to track particular taxa, data types (like time-series), etc. (D6 installed)
- Skinr & Fusion Core - For easy theming.
Info & modules for non-wiki components of the overall Ecological Data site