Revision of Georges Bank Plankton from Wed, 2015-03-04 10:06
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The North American Sessile Marine Invertebrate Survey is conducted with settling plates to monitor native and invasive species. Data are available at OBIS. The OBIS compiled data includes species name, individual count, lat/lon, and some environmental correlates like depth and salinity.
Dataset Location: OBIS Georges Bank Plankton; Companion Length Data
Direct Download: OBIS Georges Bank Plankton
Site Location: embayments across the United States coastline
Site(s) Georeferenced: Yes
Timespan: 1995 - 1999
Sampling Frequency: monthly (Jan-June); total 30 cruises
Data Collection Summary / Methods: Plankton tows were made using a MOCNESS 10 system with 5-6 (10 m^2) nets having 3.00-mm circular mesh. Nets are opened and closed sequentially by commands through conducting cable from the surface.
Data collected: species id, abundance, length
OBIS data schema: species name, individual count, date, location, temperature, depth, salinity, nitrogen, oxygen, silicate.
Known Issues: The catch from each net was sub-sampled and all animals in the sub-sample were counted. (2) Due to the shear volume of data, only those animals found were represented in these on-line data, i.e. no animals with zero abundance were listed. Not all nets for all tows are represented here. Some nets came back empty.
Best Practices: tips for separating the wheat from the chaff
Conditions for use: 'freely available' and 'open-access' as per OBIS:
Citation/ Distributing Authors: Madin, L. and E. Horgan. Zooplankton Sampled with 10m2MOCNESS Net in Georges Bank 1995-1999. March 10, 2006. U.S. GLOBEC JGOFS/GLOBEC Data Server. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA: U.S. GLOBEC Data Management Office.Retrieved from
Supplemental resources:
MOCNESS Net description -;
Available via the EcoData Retriever: No