Revision of NOAA SEFSC Pelagic Fisheries Logbook from Fri, 2015-02-20 15:17
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The dataset compiles Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) Maritimes Research Vessel Trawl Surveys and reports the abundance and weight of demersal fish species captured by a variety of trawl gear and vessels. The data is available at OBIS. The OBIS compiled data includes species name, individual count, lat/lon, and some environmental correlates like depth and salinity.
Dataset Location: OBIS NOAA SEFSC Pelagic Fisheries Logbook
Direct Download: OBIS NOAA SEFSC Pelagic Fisheries Logbook (proxy error)
Site Location: Western and central Atlantic
Site(s) Georeferenced: Yes
Timespan: 1992 - 2005
Sampling Frequency: irregular
Data Collection Summary / Methods:
Data collected: OBIS data schema: species name, individual count, date, location, temperature, depth, salinity, nitrogen, oxygen, silicate.
Known Issues:
Best Practices:
Conditions for use: 'freely available' and 'open-access' as per OBIS:
Citation/ Distributing Author: Southeast Fisheries Science Center, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (year). NOAA Southeast Fishery Science Center (SEFSC) Fisheries Log Book System (FLS) Commercial Pelagic Logbook Data. Consulted on on [date].
Supplemental resources:
Available via the EcoData Retriever: No