Patterns of widespread decline in North American bumble bees


This is a paper published in PNAS about patterns of decilne in North American bumble bees that is quite broad in scope (netted and identified 9,006 bumble bees in the west and 7,832 in the east at 382 sites across North America between 2007 and 2009 and constructed a database of 77,991 Bombus specimens from 47 institutions for historical range comparisons).  The paper link includes downloadable access to a lot of supporting information and raw data including: the specific locations and species found in bumble bee surveys conducted, natural history collection data of historical ranges and relative abundances for target bumble bee speces, mapped comparisons of current ranges and abundances with historical records for the same species, tables with calculations of estimated species range losses, etc.  They also provide accession numbers for sequences of a Bombus pathogen that have been deposited in the GenBank database.

Data Location:

Sites Georefferenced: Yes

Data Available: species, location

Citation: Cameron, S. A., Lozier, J. D., Strange, J. P., Koch, J. B., Cordes, N., Solter, L. F. & Griswold, T. L. 2011 Patterns of widespread decline in North American bumble bees. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 108, 662 – 667. (doi:10.1073/pnas.1014743108)

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