Revision of Southern Ocean Dietary Database from Mon, 2011-05-23 14:56
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This is a complilation of data sets that focus on dietary assessent and stable isotopes of marine life in the oceans surrounding Antarctica.
Dataset Location: Ecological Archives
Site Location: Approximately south of 40oS
Methods: Data gathered on diet and other trophic information were compliled from direct diet studies (gut ans scat content, stomach flushing, etc) and stable isotope studies from the Austrialian Antarctic Daa Centre and from published studies. The original intent for the data is for use in parameterizing marine ecosystem models.
Citation: Ben Raymond, Michelle Marshall, Gabrielle Nevitt, Chris L. Gillies, John van den Hoff, Jonathan S. Stark, Marcel Losekoot, Eric J. Woehler, and Andrew J. Constable. 2011. A Southern Ocean dietary database. Ecology 92:1188.
Available via the EcoData Retriever: No