Revision of To Do List from Mon, 2011-03-14 09:48

Revisions allow you to track differences between multiple versions of your content, and revert back to older versions.

  • Dataset pages
    • Start drafting dataset pages.
      • CBC
      • FIA
      • Gentry
      • CRC handbook of avian body masses
      • Ecological Archives
        • Portal
        • MOM
        • Mammalian life histories
      • Aquatic Data
        • NTL
        • Henderson
      • LTERs
      • FRed
  • Documentation pages
    • Managing notifications
    • Add a new dataset
    • Find an existing dataset
    • Edit an existing dataset
    • Community rules (i.e., proper behavior on the site)
      • should be kept to a minimum until problems arise
  • Add forum topics for discussion of
    • Content of main database pages
    • Taxonomy - what to include in the drupal taxonomies
      • Use EML as basis for taxonomies?
    • Advertising - for long-term sustainability
  • Webmaster stuff
    • Continue trying to improve notifications
    • Enable file uploads
    • Upgrade Messaging & Notifications to 6.x-4.x
    • Get messaging and notifications working better
    • Solve problem with errors on Add Dataset page
      • Bug in the require revlog module - temporarily disabled