Submitted by Ethan White on Sat, 2010-03-27 22:25
In response to Morgan's request for an RSS feed of updates I've managed to come up with the next best thing - email updates. I'm still figuring out this system, but you should get an email letting you know about this new Forum post.
I've set the default notification rate to a daily digest and subscribed all of you to updates for basically everything on the site. This means that if anything changes or is added you'll be notified via email, but you'll get at most one email/day from EcologicalData. All email subscriptions are user manageable and I'll add throwing together a quick tutorial page to the To Do list I'm about to start. For the time being if you need anything changed just email me.
Submitted by Ethan White on Sat, 2010-05-01 13:48 Permalink
Testing a reply notification