
Welcome to the forum for planning the Ecological Data Wiki. This should work basically like any forum or commenting system you are familiar with. To get started leave a response on this post.

This is looking good. I tried to add data, and ran into issues with the limited number of available classes for data sets, i.e., what to do about data that is neither aves nor mammal and not a time series...

I assume that users will be able to add items to those vocabularies as necessary?

Also - do you want us to get together for an ecodatawiki meeting at the GRC this year. I volunteer to hold River (if she'll let me....).

Vocabularies (confusingly enough for us, called Taxonomies in Drupal) and one of the first things we need to discuss. I probably add a forum post of this in the next week or so (or anyone else should feel free to do it as well). My initial thought is that we don't want all users to be able to mess with that system as we could end up with way too many terms, but probably a privileged group of moderators. I added adding this functionality to my to do list.

Yes, we should definitely have an ecodatawiki meeting at GRC this year. Grow a beard if you'd like to increase the probability that River will let you hold her :)