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Displaying 51 - 59 of 59
The North American Sessile Marine Invertebrate Survey is conducted with settling plates to monitor native and invasive species. Data are available at OBIS . The OBIS compiled data includes species name, individual count, lat/lon, and some environmental correlates like depth and salinity. Dataset Location: OBIS Sessile Marine Invertebrates Direct Download:...MORE
A short-term time series of plankton at multiple depths for Georges Bank. Data are available at OBIS . The OBIS compiled data includes species name, individual count, lat/lon, and some environmental correlates like depth and salinity. Dataset Location: OBIS Georges Bank Plankton ; Companion Length Data Direct Download: OBIS Georges...MORE
A short-term time series of soft and hard bottom benthic organisms across the range of depths of Georges Bank. Data are available at OBIS . The OBIS compiled data includes species name, individual count, lat/lon, and some environmental correlates like depth and salinity. Dataset Location: OBIS Admirality Bay Cumacea ;...MORE
Dryad is a general-purpose data repository. It's goal is to make data underlying scientific publictions discoverable, freely reusable, and citable. Dryad partners with scientific journals to include data from publications. Submission of data from other publications not directly partnered with Dryad is also welcome. Data Location: Conditions for use...MORE
Data Observation Network for Earth (DataONE) is a long-term data repository dedicated to open, persistent, robust, and secure access to well-described and easily discovered Earth observational data supported by the National Science Foundation. Data Location: DataONE ; ONE Mercury Search Tool Conditions for use : Datasets on DataONE are individually...MORE
The Global Biodiversity Information Facility is an international open data infrastructure, funded by governments that provides free and open access to biodiversity data. Dataset Location: GBIF Site Location: Global Site(s) Georeferenced: Yes Timespan: 1700s - Present Data collected: species id, location Conditions for use : GBIF is an open access...MORE
Assessing the direct and indirect consequences of nonrandom species removal within guilds of strongly interacting species, such as large mammalian herbivores, is an important goal in basic and applied ecology. The ecological impacts of such perturbations are often contingent on abiotic conditions, which have hindered efforts to generalize the results...MORE
Global plant species richness data from Ellis, E. C., E. C. Antill, and H. Kreft. 2012. All is not loss: plant biodiversity in the Anthropocene. PLoS ONE 7:e30535. Online Appendices (in one .zip file) *Detailed methods *Global statistics (Excel file) *Supplementary Maps Maps in Shapefile format (in one .zip file)...MORE
Published and unpublished data from 51 ,388 ant abundance and occurrence records of more than 2,693 species and 7,953 morphospecies from local assemblages collected at 4,212 locations around the world. Data were collected between 1949 and 2014, and include, for each geo-referenced sampling site, both the identity of the ants collected...MORE