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Taxonomic Group
- (none) (13) Apply (none) filter
- Amphibians / Reptiles (6) Apply Amphibians / Reptiles filter
- Birds (18) Apply Birds filter
- Fishes (4) Apply Fishes filter
- Fossil (4) Apply Fossil filter
- Herbaceous plants (5) Apply Herbaceous plants filter
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- Microbes (1) Apply Microbes filter
- Parasite / Disease (3) Apply Parasite / Disease filter
- Woody Plants (6) Apply Woody Plants filter
- (-) Remove (none) filter (none)
- Boreal Forest (13) Apply Boreal Forest filter
- Desert (17) Apply Desert filter
- Estuary (15) Apply Estuary filter
- Freshwater (21) Apply Freshwater filter
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- Mediterranean / Chaparral (11) Apply Mediterranean / Chaparral filter
- Temperate Forest (28) Apply Temperate Forest filter
- Temperate Grassland (28) Apply Temperate Grassland filter
- Terrestrial (2) Apply Terrestrial filter
- Tropical Forest (19) Apply Tropical Forest filter
- (-) Remove Tropical Savanna filter Tropical Savanna
- Tundra (9) Apply Tundra filter
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Ecological Level
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Displaying 51 - 59 of 59
eBird is a catalog of 'checklists' for bird species observed globally by novice and experienced bird observers reporting to the eBird Citizen Science Project run by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and the National Audubon Society. 'Checklists' include presence/absence, species count, and location information for a single obervation event. Four...MORE
BirdLife/Naturserve range maps for all of the bird species in the world (> 10,000 species). Data is available by request. Data location:
The USGS Gap Analysis Program (GAP) PAD-US is the national inventory of U.S. terrestrial and marine protected areas that are dedicated to the preservation of biological diversity and to other natural, recreation and cultural uses, managed for these purposes through legal or other effective means. Lands in PAD-US are mainly...MORE
The USGS Gap Analysis Program (GAP) Land Cover Data Set includes detailed vegetation and land use patterns for the continental United States. The data set incorporates the Ecological System classification system developed by NatureServe to represent natural and semi-natural land cover. The 590 land use classes in the data set...MORE
Dryad is a general-purpose data repository. It's goal is to make data underlying scientific publictions discoverable, freely reusable, and citable. Dryad partners with scientific journals to include data from publications. Submission of data from other publications not directly partnered with Dryad is also welcome. Data Location: Conditions for use...MORE
Data Observation Network for Earth (DataONE) is a long-term data repository dedicated to open, persistent, robust, and secure access to well-described and easily discovered Earth observational data supported by the National Science Foundation. Data Location: DataONE ; ONE Mercury Search Tool Conditions for use : Datasets on DataONE are individually...MORE
The Global Biodiversity Information Facility is an international open data infrastructure, funded by governments that provides free and open access to biodiversity data. Dataset Location: GBIF Site Location: Global Site(s) Georeferenced: Yes Timespan: 1700s - Present Data collected: species id, location Conditions for use : GBIF is an open access...MORE
This web site hosts data on amphibian species including: decline, conservation, natural history, and taxonomy. Data Location: AmphibiaWeb Sites Georeferenced: Yes Comments: Multiple user interfaces are included within this web site. Species accounts can be accessed through searching by species name, family, reason for decline, and conservation status. An interactive...MORE
Published and unpublished data from 51 ,388 ant abundance and occurrence records of more than 2,693 species and 7,953 morphospecies from local assemblages collected at 4,212 locations around the world. Data were collected between 1949 and 2014, and include, for each geo-referenced sampling site, both the identity of the ants collected...MORE