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Displaying 1 - 3 of 3
This dataset provides records of density and cover meaurements of an intertital community. Two datasets have been published spanning 1996-2007. Dataset Location: Ecological Archives (1996-2002); Ecological Archives Update (2003-2007) Site Location: Swan Island, Gulf of Maine (44 o 10' N, 68 o 25 W) Sites Georefferenced: Yes Timespan: 1996-2007 Sampling...MORE
This web site hosts data collected at the California Current coastal pelagic ecosysten Long Term Ecological Research Station. Data Location: Site Location: Datasets Available: THEMES - phytoplankton, chlorophyl and primary production; zooplankton abundance/biomassMORE
This web site hosts data from the Georgia Coastal Ecosystems Long Term Ecological Research station on the Altamhaha, Doboy, and Sapelo Sounds. Dataset Location: Site Location: Altamhaha, Doboy, and Sapelo Sounds; coast of Georgia, U.S.A. Datasets Available: THEMES - algal productivity; aquatic invertebrate ecology; bacterial productivity; general nutrient chemistry;...MORE