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This web site hosts data collected at the North Temperate Lakes LTER in Wisconsin since at least 1981 organized by the Center for Limnology at the University of Wisconsin. Data Location: Site Location: Lake Mendota, Lake Monona, and other lakes in the Yahara Lake District, southern Wisconsin; Trout Lake,...MORE
This web site hosts data on over 600 species of bacteria found in the human oral cavity including: taxonomy and genomic information. Data Location: HOMD Comments: One of the purposes of HOMD is to provide descriptions of each of the species together with tools used in the analysis of their...MORE
A species list of marine organisms, with current taxonomic information, including any synonomies that might exist. Can search by geographic region. Dataset available here: Available with CC-BY license, cite individual pages as listed on those pages. Suggested citation for entire database: Boxshall, G.; Mees, J.; Costello, M. J.; Hernandez,...MORE
The Continuous Plankton Recorder is a device developed by Sir Alister Hardy in 1931. Since then, his effort has been standardized and continued by the Sir Alister Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science . Research and merchant ships are equiped with a planton recording device that is towed near-surface for up...MORE