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Displaying 1 - 7 of 7
This web site hosts information about the entire fossil record, including information about fossil collections, individual plants and animals, taxonomic groups, references to publications, stratigraphic units, time scales, and time intervals. Data Location: Data Available: collection, occurrence, specimen records, taxonomic names/opinion, measurements of specimens Comments: Tools are available on...MORE
This web site hosts data collected at the California Current coastal pelagic ecosysten Long Term Ecological Research Station. Data Location: Site Location: Datasets Available: THEMES - phytoplankton, chlorophyl and primary production; zooplankton abundance/biomassMORE
The Ocean Biogeographical Information System is a catalog of global marine species inventory. The data is reported through interactive mapping software from which you can extract summary and point data. Dataset Location: OBIS ; OBIS-Spatial Ecological Analysis of Megavertebrate Populations Site Location: Global Site(s) Georeferenced: Yes Timespan: 1800s - Present;...MORE
The Bahamas Marine Mammal Research Organization makes five datasets available through OBIS ; Aerial, Opportunistic Sightings, On-transect Sightings, Strandings, Turtles. Each dataset is formated similarly and can be downloaded as one inclusice dataset from OBIS. The data includes species name, individual count, lat/lon, and some environmental correlates like depth and...MORE
New Zealand National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) Marine Biodata is available at OBIS ; includes occurrence details of New Zealand marine fauna and flora from around the coastline and offshore. Information is assimilated from a variety of sources including unpublished data sets and data digitised from journal...MORE
The North Pacific Groundfish Observer database consists of fish, invertebrate, and marine mammal observations collected by fishery biologists while deployed on board commercial fishing vessels or at shoreside processing plants participating in the Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska groundfish fisheries. The data are available at OBIS . The OBIS...MORE
Season whale catches in the Southern Ocean compiled by the Austrailian Antarctic Data Center are available at OBIS . The OBIS compiled data includes species name, individual count, lat/lon, and some environmental correlates like depth and salinity. Dataset Location: OBIS Southern Ocean Whale Catches Direct Download: OBIS Southern Ocean Whale...MORE