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The Christmas Bird Count (CBC) is a long-standing program of the National Audubon Society, with over 100 years of citizen science involvement. It is an early-winter bird census, where thousands of volunteers across the US, Canada and many countries in the Western Hemisphere, go out over a 24 hour period...MORE
A global species-level data set of key life-history, ecological and geographical traits of all known extant and recently extinct mammals compiled from the literature. It also includes spatial databases of mammalian geographic ranges and global climatic and anthropogenic variables. Ecological Level: Species Biome: All Location: Global Observational/Experimental: Observational Dataset Location:...MORE
This dataset contains maps of land cover patterns across the conterminous United States. Dataset Location: Ecological Archives Site Location: Lower 48, United Stated Sites Georeffereneced: Yes Timespan: 1991-1993 Methods: Images were collected from Landsat Thematic Mapper at a 30 m resolution and classified to land cover type and spatial filters...MORE
This dataset catalogs field estimates of net primary productivity for natural and agricultural ecosystems worldwide from approximately 1870-1980. Dataset Location: Ecological Archives Sites Georefferenced: Yes Timespan: 1869-1982 Methods: Field measurements off above-ground NPP were collected from the literature and complied in a standardized fashion. Methodology of field techniques are not...MORE
This website hosts data containing information about land mammal taxa and locality from the Eurasian Miocene to the Pleistocene. Data Location: Data Available: species; location (age, stratigraphy, lithology, taphonomy, environmental interpretation); anatomy; inferred diet; locomotion Comments: Instructions for acquiring the data can be found [ HERE ]. Citation: Fortelius,...MORE
This web site hosts information about species and ecosystems of the Western Hemisphere, including several types of biodiversity data. Data Location: Data Available: species, location, conservation status, commonness/rareness, spatial data Comments: This web site compiles data from a number of different programs, including: NatureServe Explorer; InfoNatura; Web Services for...MORE
This web site hosts an on-line repository for remote sensing and aerial photograpy initiated by the U.S. Department of the Interior and the U.S. Geological Survey. Data Location: Data Available: Aerial Photography, Satellite Imagery, Elevation maps, Land Cover, Digitized Maps Comments: EROS hosts all data retrieved from remote sensing...MORE
This web site hosts a search engine for the United States Long Term Ecological Research Network. Data Location: Comments: Search by LTER station, subject, title, abstract, keywords, author, organization, geographic location, taxon. The LTER network continually produce data on primary productivity, organic matter, inorganic nutrients, disturbance, and populations for...MORE
The USA National Phenology Network (USA-NPN) monitors the influence of climate on the phenology of plants, animals, and landscapes. We do this by encouraging people to observe phenological events like leaf out, flowering, migrations, and egg laying, and by providing a place for people to enter, store, and share their...MORE
This web site hosts data on amphibian species including: decline, conservation, natural history, and taxonomy. Data Location: AmphibiaWeb Sites Georeferenced: Yes Comments: Multiple user interfaces are included within this web site. Species accounts can be accessed through searching by species name, family, reason for decline, and conservation status. An interactive...MORE