Short-Grass Steppe LTER Small Mammal Census
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The Short-Grass Steppe (SGS) Long-term Ecological Research site (LTER) is a long-term census of small mammals conducted twice yearly at six separate trapping locations distributed across two different habitats, grassland and shrubland, in Colorado USA.
Ecological Level: Community
Habitat: Grassland and Shrubland
Location: Colorado (Lat/Long)
Spatial Scale of data: 6 different trapping webs each 3.14 ha in size
Timespan: 1994-2006
Frequency: twice anually, once in spring/early summer and once in late summer/early fall
Observational/Experimental: Observational
Dataset Location:
Data collection summary: During each sampling period, each trapping web is trapped for 4 consecutive nights. Each web consists of 120 permanently marked trapping stations. Sherman live traps were placed at each station, with 4 traps placed at the center of the web. Upon capture, each individual is marked (either permanently with tags or temporarily with Sharpies).
Data Collected: Species, sex, reproductive condition, age, weight
- In 1998, trapping web 13NE was renamed 13SW and moved to a new location. For time series analyses requiring the entire timespan, these webs should be excluded.
- In 2006, a new trapping web, 31W, was established in the grasslands. For time series analyses requiring the entire timespan, this web should be excluded.
- When using the data as community data, remember to exclude individuals with the Capture code "Y", as these individuals are recapture from a previous night of the same sampling session. Counting these individuals results in some individuals being counted multiple times for the same sample period.