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This web site hosts data collected for the Central Arizona-Phoenix Long Term Ecological Research Station in the arid mentropolis of Phoenix. Data Location: Site Location: downtown Pheonix and the surrounding arid ecosystems Datasets Available: THEMES - land-use, land-cover, and land architecture; climate, ecosytems, and people; water dynamics, biogeochemical patterns,...MORE
This web site hosts data from the Florida Coastal Everglades Long Term Ecoogical Research Station in Everglades National Park. Data Location: Site Location: Florida Everglades Datasets Available: WORKGROUPS - biogeochemical cycling; climate and disturbance; human dimansions; hydrology; modeling and synthesis; organic matter dynamics; primary production; trophic dynamics and community...MORE
This web site hosts data from the Jornada Basin Long Term Ecological Research Network in the northern Chihuahuan Desert. Dataset Location: Site Location: northern Chihuahuan Desert, 25 km northeast of Las Cruces, New Mexico Datasets Available: THEMES - animal (birds, rabbits, lizards, ants, arthropods,grass hoppers, small mammals, spiders, termites,...MORE
Data from the Virginia Coast Reserve Long-Term Ecological Research site. Data: or Research Topics: Holocene barrier island geology; salt marsh ecology, geology, and hydrology; ecology/evolution of insular vertebrates; primary/secondary succession; life-form modeling of succession. The Virginia Coast Reserve (VCR) is an extremely dynamic, heterogeneous coastal barrier landscape comprising...MORE
Spot-mapping data for birds combined with information on the local vegetation. This includes information on the number and position of singing males and breeding pairs, as well as information on the number of nests and fledglings. Plots vary in scale from 10 hectares (in closed habitats) to 40 hectares (in...MORE
A large compilation of empirical data on how traits respond to environmental drivers. Dataset Location: The dataset is available both online where selected data for individual populations can be downloaded one at a time and as a Data Paper in Ecological Archives providing access to the entire dataset in one...MORE
This website and database hosts records of fossil pollen, charcoal, and mammal assemblages, as well as plant macrofossils, largely from North America, but also globally, throughout the Pleiocene-Quaternary (and Anthropocene). Also included are chronological controls that allow the use of the records through time from the last 5 million years...MORE
Database including information on distribution, taxonomy, and synonyms for birds. Data location: Uses: Of particular interest is the tool for comparing two differt checklists. This provides information to help combine datasets that are based on different taxonomies, and the determine what has changed from one version of the taxonomy...MORE
eBird is a catalog of 'checklists' for bird species observed globally by novice and experienced bird observers reporting to the eBird Citizen Science Project run by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and the National Audubon Society. 'Checklists' include presence/absence, species count, and location information for a single obervation event. Four...MORE
BirdLife/Naturserve range maps for all of the bird species in the world (> 10,000 species). Data is available by request. Data location:
