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This web site hosts data from the Hubbard Brook Ecosystem Study as a part of the Long Term Ecological Research Network. Dataset Location: Site Location: White Mountain National Forest, New Hampshire Datasets Available: Forest inventory of a northern hardwood forest; Temporal Canopy Leaf Chemistry; Floristic diversity; Fine root production...MORE
This web site hosts data from the Jornada Basin Long Term Ecological Research Network in the northern Chihuahuan Desert. Dataset Location: Site Location: northern Chihuahuan Desert, 25 km northeast of Las Cruces, New Mexico Datasets Available: THEMES - animal (birds, rabbits, lizards, ants, arthropods,grass hoppers, small mammals, spiders, termites,...MORE
This web site hosts data from the Kellogg Biological Station Long Term Ecological Research Network in the southwestern Michigan. Dataset Location: Site Location: southwest Michigan, eastern portion of the U.S. cornbelt (42 o 24'N, 85 o 24'W) Datasets Available: RESEARCH TOPICS - Main cropping system; Biodiversity gradient (cropped and...MORE
This web site hosts data from the Luquillo Long Term Ecological Research Network from both tropical forest and metropolis ecosystems of Puerto Rico. Dataset Location: Site Location: Luquillo Mountains (San Juan) of Puerto Rico Datasets Available: THEMES - meteorology; hydrology; disturbance; nutrient and carbon dynamics; vegetation dynamics; animal population...MORE
"The Pollinator Conservation Digital Library is a knowledge base and online community for pollinator researchers. Through this interactive site you can browse and search databases of resources and projects, find other people and organizations, as well as find news and events about pollinator related topics. We welcome your ideas and...MORE
Includes all Neotropical stingless bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae, Meliponini) species, with trait data collected from the literature and unpublished data. Traits include worker body size, colony size, nest description, foraging strategy, aggressiveness, flight range, etc. All data entered have been matched to current species names, following the Moure catalog (
Includes published and unpublished records of Neotropical stingless bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae, Meliponini) plant usage determined through both transect studies and pollen analyses. I have matched data to current bee species names following the Moure catalog ( ), and plant classification following GBIF ( ). Dataset Location: Please contact...MORE
This website and database hosts records of fossil pollen, charcoal, and mammal assemblages, as well as plant macrofossils, largely from North America, but also globally, throughout the Pleiocene-Quaternary (and Anthropocene). Also included are chronological controls that allow the use of the records through time from the last 5 million years...MORE
This report documents an... "LCTA database update that provides selected ecological attributes (particularly for the nesting season) for 676 bird species occurring within the continental United States. This database upgrade provides land managers the capability to: (1) generate ecological guild-based summaries with no additional fieldwork, (2) identify specific groups of...MORE
