First-Flowering of Plants in the Great Plains
This dataset describes first-flowering dates of native and non-native plant species from 1910 -1961 in Fargo, North Dakota.
Dataset Location: Ecological Archives
Site Location: North Dakota State University (46o 53.423 N, 96o 47.886 W), Bluesem Prairie Nature Preserve (46o 51.458 N, 96o 28.211 W)
Sites Georefferenced: No
Timespan: 1910 - 1961
Sampling Frequency: 2-3 times/wk, April-September
Data Collection: first-flowering date, presence/absence
Citation: Steven E. Travers and Kelsey L. Dunnell. 2009. First-flowering dates of plants in the Northern Great Plains. Ecology 90:2332.
Available on EcoData Retriever: No
Submitted 13 years 8 months ago by Zack Brym.
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